Monday 26 January 2009

Twitter funnies

I was surfing last and came up on Valleywag, a Perez Hilton like blog about Silicon Valley. And one of the many pretty funny things on there is their perusing of Twitter nonsense.

Check out this post and their complete list of posts on Twitter and the Twitterati.

I still don't really get what the point is though. But then again, i didn't get blogging until i started doing it myself. It's interesting though, how much meaningful stuff can you say in 14o characters? Or is it another step in prepackaging and depersonalizing communication and emotion?*

*Every communication is on the other hand being theorized as a form of mediation and is thus always prepackaged and depersonalized.

1 comment:

  1. oh and here's a next interesting blogpost by the popular DJ Semtex from the UK about twittering:
